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The Bucket List Project gets nominated twice in one month! It’s all so exciting! Go get the popcorn and refreshments – this is going to be a long post filled with Questions, Answers, some more Questions, and some fabulous nominee bloggers who deserve yours clicks and attention! You won’t be sorry you missed this! liebster award badges Apparently it’s award season here at The Bucket List Project! I’m so honoured to have been nominated twice for the Liebster Award. This is going to be a long post, so I’ll skip the Oscar Award Winning Speech and just jump straight into it. I was flattered at being nominated for this award by two great bloggers in the WordPress community. The first nomination came from Kumbra at My Luggage is Elsewhere, a great blogger who is a writer, journalist, traveller and all-round interesting blogger. The second was iheartsienna at Scribbledy, a promising blogger who shares her experiences of her travels and outlook on life. Do yourself a favour and go check them out!

The Rules for The Liebster Award are simple:

1. Each nominee must link back the person(s) who nominated them.

2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.

3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 400 followers.

4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Questions from ‘My Luggage Elsewhere’:

1. If you could have one special power, what would it be? I actually blogged about this on Day 11 of my “31 Day Blogtember Challenge”. You can go check it out here, but the short answer is no magical powers just an Eidetic Memory or else Emotion Manipulation.

2. At what age of your life will you consider yourself “old?” Hopefully never! But judging by my granny, I think around 85 is when it’s ok to accept old age and start “settling down”.

3. Hard copy of a book or electronic edition? Why? I used to work in a book store for many years, so I saw the rise of the Threat Of The ebook first hand. As an avid reader though, my answer is both, it just depends on the book and situation. I can eat up a normal fiction book in a couple of hours, so an ebook for the day to day reading, or if I’m travelling the kindle is definitely best. But nothing, and I mean nothing will ever be more comforting than cracking open a real book. Hardcopies are for all the books that are sentimental or that I’ll go back and read over again.

4. What is the most amazing place you have ever been to? I’ve been blessed with travelling all my life so there are many places that I’ve been to that have taken my breath away. The most recent would probably be Mont Saint-Michel in France. It’s a monastery dating from the 11th Century that was built from the top down, and when it’s high tide the place is totally inaccessible – so time your visit wisely! There is so much wonder and history in that place!

5. Do you blog more for yourself or for others to read? I blog mainly for myself to keep a record of the wonderful experiences (and challenges) I am blessed to have. I do however love sharing these experiences with others in the blogging world and love reading about others’ experiences.

6. Sunday – a pajamas day, or a day out? Hmmm. Alternating one of each. I can’t survive without my “Me” Day’s that are filled with books, tv shows and endless cups of coffee, but likewise love the Sundays when I get up early, take Phoebe for a hike, meet up with some friends and spend the day catching up and talking nonsense.

7. What is your biggest talent? Offhand I can’t think of any. That’s not to say that I think I’m completely talentless, but I prefer to think of myself as “Jack (Jacqueline?) of all trades, master of none”. In other words I’m good at a little bit of everything – not enough to be a superstar, but enough to hold my own and make a mark!

8. What is one thing without which you never go out? My cellphone, emergency cash and my medical aid card. Never expect an emergency, but always be prepared for one!

9. Country or a city life? City life for now, but one day in the far future when I retire I think country life will be my choice.

10. What’s one of the strangest things you have ever done? With my crazy friends and family? Lots! 🙂 But the first thing that springs to mind is one of those strange moments I had when I was working in the bookshop – my Alien Customer. To make a very long and strange story short, this very odd man came to the counter with a pile of sci-fi books he was buying and when I spoke to him he answered by giving these weird bleep and buzz sounds, not knowing what to do I carried on babbling away at him and he still carried on in this odd morse code type speak (think R2D2 from Star Wars!). I looked around, realised all my colleagues had abandoned me as they were laughing hysterically, and just looked at the man, beeped back and watched him walk away in confusion, humour and shock. Still one of the strangest, and funniest things ever to happen to me!

Questions from “iheartsienna”:

1. What is your ultimate goal in life? This is also one that I blogged about in the “31 Day Blogtember Challenge” here. In short, I just want to enjoy life and be happy with the decisions I make and where it takes me. I know this sounds like a cop out, but shouldn’t it be everyone’s goal?

2. What is your dream Job? I would love to be Richard Branson. His ‘job’ is what he created for himself by being an entrepreneur, but how he chooses to do his work is so noble. He invests not only in businesses, but in people and communities. Whatever it is that he does day to day, is what I want to do!

3. So far, have you had any regrets this year? I don’t like the idea of regrets, because every experience shapes who you are, but if I had to pick something that happened that I wish went another way I’d have to say pulling out of a very promising job offer. To be fair, the reasons I pulled out were very valid and I don’t think I would have been happy with many aspects of it, but I should have at least stayed in the running to find out if I would actually have made it to the final selection. It leaves so many unanswered questions about whether I actually would have been chosen to go to the end – it would have been a self-confidence boost if nothing else!

4. If Money was infinite what would be the first thing that you buy? I’ve thought about this, and if money was endless I blogged about what I would do here. But the very first thing I would buy? I would likely drive straight to the airport, buy a big bottle of champagne and then get tickets to give my dad (London, UK), and then my mom (Eastern Cape, RSA) surprise visits!

5. What is one song would you pick for your theme song?  It’s My Life – BonJovi

6. If you could have one super power what would it be? See question 1 from above, and my blogpost.

7. Who or what is your inspiration? My Dad. He truly is an amazing father, friend and person. If I could be half as good at being such a good, balanced human being as he is, I’ll know that I’ve succeeded life.

8. What one insecurity do you have? Only one?! I think that, like most people, I have many insecurities but I hope they’re balanced out by the rational part of me that is a bit more self-assured. The one that seems to bother me most this year is the Fear of Not Rushing to Build My Own Brady Family. Most of my peers have settled down, started families and are talking about what nursery schools to pick, but I’m still single and happy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t for a second think there’s anything wrong with my life, and I know that I have made the right choices for me in every moment, but I am worried that others sometimes look at me with (totally unfounded and unnecessary) pity because I don’t have the white picket fence and 2.5 children like they do. I just hope they aren’t right.

9. What one thing are you proud of? That I finally completed my graduate studies. It was a long road with many stops and starts for many different reasons, but at last I achieved my BA Development Studies Degree in 2012! I hope to continue and finish my post-graduate studies, but that too seems to be a casualty of outside forces – but fear not! Even if it takes me another 10 years to get it done, I know I’ll do it!

10.  What is one thing you would like to do before the end of this year? Tick off another one of the major items of my Bucket List. I’m hoping that the one that will be ticked off is to quit smoking – there are so many reasons why this is a horrible habit that needs to end as soon as possible, I just need to get there.


 And now it’s time for the truly exciting part where I get to put the spotlight on the other bloggers who are making the blogging world interesting and engaging!

Most of my nominees have no idea that I exist, and I am hoping to “make their day” by presenting them with the Liebster Award! (Remember, discovering new blogs is part of what the Liebster Award is all about!)

Now, when I got nominated I did my research on what chain letterthis “Liebster Award” was about, and though most people are like me and find it a true honour to be nominated, there are a small few who see it as a kind of blogger ‘Chain Letter’. I hope that none of you great nominees feel that way, but if you do, know that you aren’t obligated to respond in kind, but that you have at least been noticed by little old me and that your blog posts are enjoyed. I look forward to reading your future posts either way.

For those that are in a blogging mood, and would like to pass on this great award, please copy the rules above, link back to me, then nominate your own favourite small bloggers.

I’ve decided to present the nominees by providing quotes of who they are/what they blog about in their own words, and when you click on the link you’ll be directed to a their specific page that particularly spoke to me – some are because they were so similar to my own experiences, some held a ‘truth’ that resonated with me, some purely entertained, and some informed. I encourage you to check them out for yourself and get to know these bloggers too!

1. Pongo Experience. About living with a reactive Australian cattle dog.

Blog Quote: We had a strong feeling that an Australian Cattle Dog (ACD) would fit well into our family.  I guess we just didn’t quite know that he was going to take us on the ride of our life!  This is about us and the adventures of raising an ACD named Pongo.

This post: Count your blessings if dog owning is easy. Living with reactive dog is hard.

2. My Dog Molly the paradox. Another great blog about living with a reactive dog. It’s so nice to know I’m not alone!

Quote from post: Having a reactive dog can be a lot of work. It can be exhausting, frustrating, and heart breaking…. But then she does something; something small and simple but it makes me love her even more.

This page: 10 things I Love about you. Difficulties and emotions of a reactive dog.

3. Dani Alexis. I found when I was still considering and researching doing a blog challenge, and this one caught my eye.

Blog Quote: This nonsense is freelance writing guides, book reviews, satirical history, biblio-geekery, literary criticism, social justice commentary, cats, and assorted silliness. Also genealogy, wordplay, & etc

This blog had two posts I really enjoyed: How to talk while Autistic, and Five Facts

4. thelibrarylife: Found when I was looking at YA book ideas and reviews.

Blog Quote: The Library Life is my space to talk about the books I’m reading, the movies I’m watching, and anything that might occur to me about my library or gaming life.

This post:  Book review – John Greene. The fault in our stars.

5. Roxploration. An interesting Book blog.

Blog Quote: Well, I’m Rox and this blog chronicles my adventures – my armchair/bedside/on the train/wherever explorations if you will – in the big wide world of reading.

This post: Donna Tartt ‘Little Friend’ review.

6. Friends with benefits sucks. She also has an ebook out by the same name.

Blog Quote: I am a fellow woman and daily observer of women and men who understands what women go through when it comes to love and relationships.

This page: Is Being “The Cat Lady” Really the Worst That Could Happen?

7. I’m a Big Girl Now. A style blog for plus size women 40+. Her style and enthusiasm just oozes off the pages!

About page: Life is a journey and so is discovering ones style, I have always been interested in fashion but as I’ve grown older I’ve become more comfortable in my own skin.

This post: Finding your own style: Being a Plus size “Older Woman”

8. The Teen Bucket List: A great collection of unmissable things to do. Though the target audience is teens, I think they’re all things we should be excited about doing if we haven’t yet!

About Page Quote: There are some things you can only get away with when you’re a teenager. Things you should get out of your system. Simple things you don’t need mountains of cash to do.

This post: Try out Origami

9. thebucketlistblog: Another great bucket list blog. The gratitude list here was so heartwarming, and I also think this is something we all should be doing!

Blog Quote: People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why I recommend it daily.

This page: The gratitude List.

10. 100 Things in 2013: A couple doing 100 things in 2013. This post was especially lovely for me because my parents named a star after me from the international star registry and gave it to me for my 18th birthday. Naming a star is such a wonderful way to literally leave your mark in the Universe.

About page quote: The 100 things we’ve challenged ourselves to complete in 2013.

This page: #90 Name a Star

And should you decide to take up the challenge, here are my questions for you:

Some general questions to get to know a bit more about you:

1. What country you are in/from?

2. What current events (local or international) are you following? Why?

3. What household chore do you hate the most?

4. If you could go back in time to any era, what would it be? (and seeing as though we’re time travelling here, you can also pick the future!)

5. What makes you smile?

And questions related to why we’re all in the blogging community – your blogging habits:

6. Do you only read blogs similar to yours, or do you read on a range of subjects?

7. Do your family and friends know and follow your blog, or do you prefer blogging for the anonymous ‘big wide world’?

8. What is your most viewed/liked blog post?

9. What blogpost of yours is your favourite/ did you most enjoy writing?

And of course, a question that relates to my own blog, and what motivates me to blog:

10.  Do you have a Bucket List, either online or even just in the back of your mind? If you do, what is the one thing you want to tick off most?

And with that I end this post with a big THANK YOU to you all! Thanks for the nominations, thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for creating blogs that I enjoy reading!